Version-1 (Nov–Dec 2017)
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Abstract: Periconceptionally, nutritional status influences the Vitamin B12 & folic acid level. Which may further affect the homocysteine level thus affecting pregnancy outcome. Non supplementation, poor economic condition,lack of hygiene & awareness are also contributory factors for these vitamin deficiency. Ahmedabad being a predominantly vegetarian city,its population is at higher risk for vitamin B12 deficiency. But there is no systematic study to know whether B12, folic acid, homocysteine affecting pregnancy complication like preeclamsia. This study was planned toknow tHcy and vitamin B12 level in normal and complicated pregnant women who were not supplemented with these vitamins before attending this hospital; and correlation between tHcy concentration and preeclampsia.........
Key words: Homocysteine, pregnancy, unspplemented Vitamin
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Abstract: Objective: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been proposed as the hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome (MS), with insulin resistance (IR) as the common pathophysiological mechanism. The present study is to assess the association between NAFLD and insulin resistance independent of diabetes mellitus. Methods: A case control study of 90 subjects divided into three groups.1.healthy controls (n=30), 2.NAFLD without Diabetes mellitus (n=30) and 3.NAFLD with Diabetes mellitus (n=30). Fasting levels of Plasma Glucose, Serum Insulin, Lipid profile and ALT were estimated.IR was calculated by HOMA-IR. Multiple comparisons between different groups were done using ANOVA test........
Key words: Insulin Resistance, Metabolic syndrome, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Type2 Diabetes Mellitus.
[1] Baumeister SE, V ö lzke H, Marschall P et al. Impact of fatty liver disease on health care Utilization and costs in a general population: a 5 - year observation. Gastroenterology 2008; 134: 85 – 94.
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Abstract: L'Objectif de ce travail est la caractérisation physicochimique de l'huile de sésame (sesanum indicum L.) originaire de l'Afrique Subsaharienne précisément du Congo Brazzaville dans le département de la cuvette au village d'ONTOGO. Les caractéristiques physicochimiques de cette huile sont déterminées par les méthodes normées conventionnelles. Les valeurs des indices acides de l'huile respectent les normes du codex alimentarus (4mg KOH/g). L'indice de peroxyde très faible (<0,1 meq O2/kg) , l'indice d'iode est très élevée (111g/100g), ce qui traduit son caractère insaturé. Le profile en acides gras indique les proportions intéressantes en acide oléique (40%), en acide linoléique : ω-6 (44,1%), donc c'est une huile oléique/linoléique avec.........
Key words: Sesanum indicum L, oil, material grace, fatty acid, fatty acid, saturated, unsaturated fatty acid, tryacylglyceride
[1] SOPHIE DESROCHE .2007 : Doctorante nutrition .Institut des nutraceutique et des aliments fonctionnels (INAF) : Le sésame :
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Abstract: Objective: Meningitis is an acute inflammation of meninges which more prevalent in worldwide. Sialic acid (SA) is a nine carbon sugar derived from mannosamine and pyruvate, bound to glycoproteins and glycolipids found in the brain tissue. The aim of the study is to evaluate the levels of CSF free sialic acid (FSA) in Pyogenic meningitis(PM) and Tuberculous meningitis(TBM) as a marker of Pyogenic Meningitis. Methods: A case control study was done with 90 patients divided into 3 groups . Group 1- controls (n=30), group 2-Pyogenic Meningitis(n=30) and group 3- Tuberculous Meningitis(n=30)) with inclusion and exclusion criteria. CSF samples were analysed for Free Sialic acid, Aspartate transaminase, Glucose and Protein . Multiple comparisons between different groups were done using ANOVA test. Results: In the present study CSF free SA levels were significantly high in PM (p<0.0001) as compared to TBM and controls. CSF AST levels were significantly high in both the meningitides. But,mean±SD of AST was slightly high in PM..........
Key words: Aspartate Transaminase, Free Sialic Acid, Meningitis,
[1] S.P. Kulkarni, Dr. C.R. Mallikarjuna, Dr. D.S. Jayaprakash Murthy. Cerebrospinal fluid free sialic acid and aspartate transaminase
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Abstract: Cowpea is highlyproteinaceous and it is also tolerant to drought and acidic soil. Consequently, it is a best source to satisfy the food demand of escalating population of the world. For the study of genetic diversity mostly molecular markers are being used. ISSR markers are highly variable in the genome and also reproducible and cost effective. Therefore, it is the perfectmarker for the genetic diversity analysis. There were 52 ISSR primers in which 2 primers i.e. UBC807, UBC812 were scorableon agarose gel and showed polymorphism. UBC807 used for the identification of the line Babita (BB) and shows 810bp polymorphic band. To identify the line Lali (LL) Primer UBC812 was used and shows 600bp polymorphic band.These highly informative primers easily differentiated the parent genotypes.Genetic diversity helps the plant breeders to select lines which improve the food security.
Key words: Genetic diversity, ISSR, PCR, polymorphism, genotype, molecular markers.
[1] Aaron TA, Gowda BS, Isaac KA, Lawrence GLA, Takrama, FJ,Timko MP.2010. Assessment of the genetic diversity inCowpea (Vignaunguiculata L. Walp.)germplasm from Ghana using simplesequence repeat markers. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. 1–9doi:10.1017/S1479262110000092.
[2] Ali ZB,Ya KN, Odeny DA, Kyalo M, Skilton R,Eltahir IM. 2015. Assessing the genetic diversity of cowpea [Vignaunguiculata(L.) Walp.] accessions from Sudan using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. African Journal of Plant Science. 9(7): 293-304.
[3] Cheng-D Li, Christian AF, Benjamin U, Singh BB, and Graham JS. 2001. Determining genetic similarities and relationships among Cowpea breeding linesand cultivars by microsatellite markers. Crop Sci. 41:189–197.
[4] Emily NW, Muoma J,Wekesa C. 2016. Genetic Diversity of Cowpea (Vignaunguiculata(L. Walp.) Accession in Kenya Gene Bank Based on Simple Sequence Repeat Markers.International Journal of
[5] Haizheng X, Ainong S, Beiquan M, Jun Q, Dennis M., Weiguo Lu,Jianbing M, Yuejin W, Wei Y, Dianxing W.2016. Genetic diversity and population structure ofCowpea (Vignaunguiculata L. Walp). PLoS ONE. 11(8): e0160941.
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Abstract: African daisy (Osteospermum hybrida) is a beautiful garden plant. The plant mainly propagate vegetatively by cutting while the propagation from seed is time consuming and difficult. To overcome this difficulty, tissue culture technique developed to regenerate a large number of plants rapidly. A highly efficient plant regenaration method has established from young leaf derived callus. Young leaves collected from 3-week old young seedlings developed in vitro on half strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) inorganic salt media. Leaf explant was cultured on inorganic MS salt media supplemented with Gamborg B5 vitamins in presence............
Key words: African daisy, Embryogenic calli, Growth regulators, Plant Regeneration
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Salinity tolerance QTL mapping from Coastal Aus Landrace Boilam |
Country | : | Bangladesh. |
Authors | : | Habibul Bari. Shozib |
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: | 10.9790/264X-03063035 ![]() |
Abstract: There is a dearth of known donors for salt tolerance traits in rice breeding programs other than Pokkali and Nona Bokra. These landraces are photoperiod sensitive and flower once a year, so that they are poorly compatible with breeding cultivars. Bangladeshi coastal landraces have been found to be biodiverse and salt tolerant accessions are still widely cultivated by farmers. These landraces may be potential donors for novel salt tolerance traits. One of these coastal varieties, Boilam, is both early-maturing as well as photoperiod insensitive and popularly grown as an Aus variety in Noakhali, in the southeast of Bangladesh. Boilam was therefore characterized and analyzed for QTLs linked to salt stress tolerance in a backcross population with a modern Aus variety BRRI dhan27. In order to identify and map salinity tolerance traits, a backcross population was generated between Boilam, and BRRI dhan27, a high yielding Aus variety. A total of 94 polymorphic SSR markers were used to construct a linkage map...........
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[5] Darvasi A, Soller M. Selective genotyping for determination of linkage between a marker locus and a quantitative trait locus. Theor Appl Genet 1992, 85:353-359
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Abstract: Objective: Preeclampsia is responsible for significant maternal and perinatal mortality worldwide. Lactate dehydrogenase is mainly an intracellular enzyme. The levels of LDH in serum are increased in clinical situations associated with cell damage, leak, hemolysis and cell death. Preeclampsia is such a situation associated with these features. The present study was done to know the levels of serum LDH in preeclampsia patients and if there is an association between these LDH levels and the fetal outcome. Methods : A case control study was done with 100 pregnant women diagnosed with preeclampsia and 50 pregnant women without any complications as controls. Results :Serum LDH levels were found to be higher in preeclampsia patients compared to controls. The fetal outcome was poor in the group having high LDH levels. Interpretations and conclusion : Serum levels of lactate dehydrogenase as a biochemical marker is easily available test which can be offered to all patients with Hypertension. Serum LDH Levels can be used as a biochemical predicator for the prognosis of preeclampsia.
Key words: Pregnant women, Preeclampsia, Serum lactate dehydrogenase, fetal outcome
[1]. Lain KY, Roberts JM. Contemporary concepts of the pathogenesis and management of preeclampsia. JAMA. 2002;287:3183-6.
[2]. Noris M, Perico N, Remuzzi G. Mechanisms of disease: Pre-eclampsia. Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology. 2005;1(2):98-114.
[3]. Mustafa M, Ahmed S, Gupta A, Veunto RC. A comprehensive review of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Journal of Pregnancy. 2012:ArticleID 105918.
[4]. Norwitz ER, Hsu CD, Repke JT. Acute complications of preeclampsia. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2002;45:308-93.
[5]. Qublan HS, Amarun V, Bateinen O, Al-Shraideh Z, Tahat Y, Awamleh I, et al. LDH as biochemical marker of adverse pregnancy outcome in severe preeclampsia. Med Sci Monit. 2005;11:393-7.
[6]. Qublan HS, Amarun V, Bateinen O. LDH as biochemical marker of adverse pregnancy outcome in severe preeclampsia Med Sci Monit. 2005;11:393-7.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Extinguishment of Fire: Biotechnical Method |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dinesh K, Garg || Aanchal Garg |
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: | 10.9790/264X-03063942 ![]() |
Abstract: Water mist technology has emerged as most acceptable and accountable alternative method to central and extinguish the fire. It is a more useful to deplete the flame condition as a fire suppression agents because of its inherent advantage, rapid heat absorption and effectiveness on wide range of fires. Hydrocarbons are most important organic matter and play most urgentable and key role as a basic need to use as an energy, medicine, fire etc. in human daily life. Hydrocarbons generate in nature by slowly-slowly biochemical reaction in organic as well as inorganic matter in earth crust. Some hydrocarbons develop as bi-product of biochemical reactions takes place in large laboratory. These are so many stage may develop some hazardous conditions like-fire accident, a large fire may occur with a small spark easily due to the highly flammable properties of these hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbon fire consist of organic solvents petroleum products, motor sprit like kerosene, gasoline, diesel, petrol, LPG, petroleum sprit, wax, naphtha,(residue product) naphthalene, bitumen (residue of petroleum refinery), etc. These hydrocarbons are easily...........
Key words: Hydrocarbons, fire heme protein, mist.
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Abstract: Identification of medicinal plant for elite genotypes requires assessment of phytochemical diversity across different populations. Such study is fundamental for further scale of plant resources as well as subsequent drug development for treatment of human ailments. The present study was taken up to assess the total steroidal saponins diversity in Paris polyphylla across the Northeast region of India. From the study, it was found that P. polyphylla populations from Khonoma showed the highest total saponins content, recording an average of 32.06mg/g DW in comparison with all the populations under study. The findings of the study were taken up for micropropagation of the Khonoma populations...........
Key words: Cytokinins, diversity, genotypes, minirhizomes, saponins
[1]. M Maridass, Survey of phytochemical diversity of secondary metabolism in selected wild medicinal plants. Ethnobotanical leaflets, 14,2010, 616-625.
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Abstract: Seed endogenous microbiota is receiving significant interest as they are proven to be rich sources of novel natural compounds with wide spectrum of biological activities. In the present study, seed endophytes of selected oleaginous plants such as Arachis hypogaea L., Brassica napus L., Brassica nigra L., Helianthus annuus L., Ricinus communis L. and Sesamum indicum L. were isolated and systematically screened for in vitro production and accumulation of biodegradable polyester poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)]. Among the 45 phenotypically distinguishable bacterial endophytes isolated from surface sterilized seeds, nearly 77.8% of isolates showed significant amount of polyester accumulation..........
Key words: Bacillus spp., oleaginous plant, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), thermoplastics, seed endophytic bacteria
[1]. B.S. Saharan, A. Grewal and P. Kumar, Biotechnological production of polyhydroxyalkanoates: A review on trends and latest developments, Chinese Journal of Biology, 2014, 18. [2]. A.I. Catalan, F. Ferreira, P.R. Gill and S. Batista, Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by Herbaspirillum seropedicae grown with different sole carbon sources and on lactose when engineered to express the lacZ lacY genes, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40(5), 2007, 1352-1357.
[3]. R. Das, A. Pal, S. Mandal and A.K. Paul, Screening and production of biodegradable polyester poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by bacteria endophytic to Brassica nigra L., British Biotechnology Journal, 7(3), 2015, 134-146.
[4]. R. Das, A. Dey, A. Pal and A.K. Paul, Influence of growth conditions on production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by Bacillus cereus HAL 03 endophytic to Helianthus annuus L., Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, 4(4), 2016, 75-84.
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Abstract: Cassava is a valuable source of calories in countries where malnutrition is widely spread. Despite its many uses as food, feed and in industries, it's constrained by biotic and abiotic stresses. Attempts to overcome challenges in cassava production by conventional breeding are limited. The application of genetic transformation to introduce agronomically useful traits would greatly compliment classical breeding approaches. The objective of this study was to determine the regenerability of selected Kenya cassava genotypes for use in genetic transformation studies. Three genotypes (Ex-ndolo, Karibuni and Shibe) were collected from coastal and eastern agro ecological zone based on their traits which were high yielding, early maturity and mealiness and maintained at the Kenyatta University Plant Transformation Laboratory glasshouse. Stokes were established in vitro and maintained on media containing.......
Key words: explant, auxin, photo regimes, somatic embryo,
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Abstract: Pectinases are the group of enzymes that degrade pectin and one of the enzymes widely used in the food industry. In the fruit juice industry, pectinases are often used to enhance juice extraction and clarification. This paper reports on the optimal conditions for pectinase production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and preliminary evaluation of its efficacy in orange juice extraction. Fermentation was carried out on corn cob/orange peel substrate mixture. The crude enzyme wasextracted from the solid medium using different solvent systems after which its usefulness in the extraction of orange juice was evaluated.The optimal conditions established for the enzyme production were; 6 days of fermentation using a ratio of 80:20 percent corn cob and orange peels as substrate, pH 4.0 at 30oC..........
Key words: Corn cob, Orange juice, Orange peel, Pectinase, Saccharomycescerevisiae
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